
Candyfloss, butter chocolate, mint

Respectively, pink, yellow, brown and green.

It should come as no great surprise that the language of fashion is very descriptive, since fashion itself is all about image and appearance. A good example of the highly descriptive nature of Fashionese is the use of colour words - red, green, blue and orange just don't cut it in Fashionese - think raspberry, kelp, cerulean and cape gooseberry instead.

But with such a plethora of descriptive terms at one's disposal - snow-white/ivory/virginal/pearl and so on - knowing which one to use presents a dilemma.
So it's quite right that fashionese should have a similarly hopeful intention, even if in this case it's the hypothetical aspiration of the speaker to one day allow herself to eat the cited foodstuff (butter? Chocolate? Dream on, girlfriend), whereas blueberries are totally permissible superfoods and therefore aren't quite as thrillingly dangerous to mention. Going back to Prada, it is all about, as one far inferior newspaper put it with admirable eloquence, "deliberately alienating colours", which means orange, green and grey, which means "very tricky to wear".
