

Fascinators, or cocktail hats, are decorative trappings made of fanciful materials such as feathers, flowers, lace or beads.

They're typically attached to hats or worn in one's hair in lieu of a hat, along with formal attire. The word originally referred to a fine, lacy head covering akin to a shawl and made from wool or lace. The new Duchess of Cambridge has sparked a trend in that accessories, say industry observers and entrepreneurs who specialize in the niche. Some American hat retailers say the accouterments have been selling strong ever since photos of Ms. Middleton wearing them began to surface a few months ago. Serendipity Tiaras generates most of its traffic—31%—from organic Google search results, followed by Google Adwords, which brings in about 18% of sales, says Ms. Lyons.

Source: WSJ

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Redo-berty & thrisis

The “final push into adulthood” that takes place between the ages of 26 and 32.

Reviewing, for Cosmopolitan, Andrea Lavinthal and Jessica Rozler’s book, “Your So-Called Life: A Guide to Boys, Body Issues, and Other Big-Girl Dramas You Thought You Would Have Figured Out By Now,” Jessica Knoll commented on the authors’ use of the term “redo-berty”:

“Redo-berty,” also sometimes called a “thrisis,” usually occurs between the ages of 26 and 32, and is that final push into adulthood,” says Lavinthal. Redo-berty can feel just as awkward as your puberty years, except instead of being jealous that Sally Smith has boobs and you don’t, you’re freaked that Sally Smith has a big rock on her finger or an “Executive” something in her job title, while you’re stuck in a dead-end relationship and/or “career.”

Knoll also noted that the authors had identified some common types of adult including the SOY, “the Sudden-Onset Yuppie.”

Source: sfgate.com



Shoes with a forefoot platform equal in height to the heel, resulting in a high but flat (or nearly flat) walking surface. The word is cobbled together from “flat” and “platform.”

Source: Fritinancy


Year-zero face

A cocktail of fillers, Botox and chemical peels can freeze one's features at 30-something.

Source: Guardian


Top twenty greatest fashion words

Fashion has always inspired innovation—on the runway and in the dictionary. With the autumn 2011 collections likely to be wowing the fashionistas this month during New York’s and London’s Fashion Weeks (good fashion is, after all, ahead of its time), here are the top twenty most outrageously stylish English words.

As Mark Twain once said, ‘Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.’ Throughout history, one reliable constant has been the need for individuals to express themselves through dress; one reliable inconstancy has been the clothing itself. Styles have covered all or bared nearly all, promoted political beliefs or albums, been made of heavy petticoats or bubbles (or, speaking of the reigning queen of fashion insanity, Kermit the Frog or meat). This variety has introduced a similarly wide array of inspired words and phrases, some of which have entered the daily lexicon and some of which fell faster than Naomi Campbell on the runway. Below is an unscientific list of the top twenty greatest fashion words, with example sentences from OUP’s language databases or, where named sources are provided, the Oxford English Dictionary.

bumsterstrousers that are cut very low on the hips:
Your key allies in the war against bumsters are Kath and Kim.

a man’s three-cornered flat silk hat, typically carried under the arm:
A crescent-shaped chapeau-bras, known as an opera-hat, developed in the 1760s-70s from the three-cornered hat.

a small triangular shawl, worn around a woman’s shoulders and neck:
Originally the neckline had shown her chest, but now a thin fichu tried its best to cover the raw marks on her delicate skin.

froufroua rustling noise made by someone walking in a dress:
The Princess fretted for some little frou-frou of the world to break its solemn silence. (Wanda, by Ouida, Marie Louise de la Ramée, 1883)

guimpea high-necked blouse or undergarment worn showing beneath a low-necked dress:
Some of the high sorselet bodices permit of nothing more than a small guimpe with sleeves. (Westminster Gazette, 1909)

hobble skirta style of skirt so narrow at the hem as to impede walking, popular in the 1910s:
This sexy hobble skirt has an organza overskirt edged with satin bias binding, giving a floating effect.

hot pants
tight, brief women’s shorts, worn as a fashion garment:
So when Destra showed up onstage in the shortest black hot pants, much of her buttocks in full view, it was no surprise everyone rushed to the front of the stage.

a sleeveless jacket; a man’s close-fitting jacket, typically made of leather:
The leather jerkin beneath her robe offered Kel a sense of security as she thought of those dangers.

leg-of-mutton sleeve
a sleeve that is full and loose on the upper arm but close-fitting on the forearm and wrist:
I want my leg-of-mutton sleeves, and in addition to those I want my cutie chamois booties with the leopard-skin bows.

a woman’s or child’s loose blouse with a collar that is cut deep and square at the back and tapering to the front, resembling that worn by a sailor:
An image of my middy blouse hanging alone on the clotheslines outside our kitchen window, buffeted by the wind, came to mind.

a woman’s one-piece beach garment equivalent to the lower half of a bikini:
Thongs, monokinis, bikinis, trikinis, pubikinis, tankinis are the revealing “ins” for the first summer of the millennium.

Oxford bags
wide baggy trousers:
In their dress men and girls follow European fashions—Oxford bags, berets, sandal shoes.

Puffaa type of thick padded jacket:
I’m all for fresh air and I think the combination of double glazing and radiators can be stifling, but you have to maintain a degree of comfort and sitting watching TV in a Puffa jacket and three pashminas isn’t it.

pussycat bowa large, soft, floppy bow at the neck of a woman’s blouse:
This cool and refreshing piece updates your appearance and with its cute pussycat bow on the neckline, is something very rare I must say.

ragamuffinan exponent or follower of ragga, typically one dressing in ragged clothes:
In addition to the chic sounds of Paris which Solaar himself is most closely aligned to, there are groups like IAM which lead Marseille in its edgier, more recognizably ragamuffin style.

reefer jacket
a thick, close-fitting, double-breasted jacket:
Standish had brought them to a stop outside a dimly lit café that appeared to be closed, except that a burly drunk in a dark reefer jacket had just wandered in unopposed.

a one-piece garment similar to overalls, with a front flap and should straps or a full sleeveless top, worn for skiing, sailing, etc. :
Neither of the fundraisers have even put on a pair of skis or salopettes, but they intend to glide down the slopes with ease in the 26 mile event.

a woman’s corset or belt designed to accentuate a slender waist:
Yes, the Freudian unconscious was filled with girls in waspies and stockings doing wicked things!

a shoe with a long pointed toe, popular in the 1950s:
Like many young people I ignored advice not to wear winkle-pickers, stilettos and high platforms, and boy am I paying for it.

Finally, an honorary mention goes to –eggings as a suffix, which has opened the doors for the creative wearing of tight pants around the world. Jeggings is a new addition to the dictionary; meggings may be next, if Conan O’Brien has anything to with it.


Top Fashion Buzzwords: Annual Analysis by Global Language Monitor

Kate Middleton dethrones Lady Gaga as the No. 1 fashion buzzword for the upcoming season, reaching a crescendo on the occasion of her April 29th wedding to Prince William.
  1. Lady Gaga – Gaga’s global influence continues unabated especially among her ever-growing legions of ‘little monsters’ (reportedly surpassing the 8,000,000 mark).
  2. Sheer – Translucent, transparent and transcendent again en vogue for the season.
  3. Shirt Dresses – From the Upper East Side to 6th Street in Austin to LaJolla, California shirt dresses are everywhere (and everywhen).
  4. Sustainable Style – Clothing make of recycled fabrics now entering the mainstream.
  5. Articulated Platforms – Move over Armadillos, platforms are taking on a life of their own, now to be found with every type of embellishments from McQueen inspired butterflys, to florals and feathers. What’s new? Flatforms.
  6. MoBama – Moving up the list again after a lackluster 2010.
  7. Stripes – Classic black and white stripes with striking mathematically inspired motifs.
  8. Flowers Everywhere – Monet redux: As if Monet updated his water lily meme to the 21st c. catwalk.
  9. Blocked Colors – Bright and bold, color blocks are ever so popular (and fashionable).
  10. Edun – Mrs. Bono’s (Ali Hewson) line of ethical couture gets a boost with the Louis Vuitton for Edun bag.
  11. White Shirts – Clean and crisp for a classic, say Aubrey Hepburn, look.
  12. Fruit vs. Fruit Salad – Either way fruit is big (as are animals). Veggies? Not so much.
  13. Leggins – Flourishing around the globe. Women voting with their feet, er, legs.
  14. Anime – Anime inspired looks with big eyes and pursed lips; definitely not haute but hot, especially among young Asians.
  15. That ‘70s Look – The Neo-Bohemian, updated from the ‘60s but cleaner and more refined.
  16. Embellishments – Embellishments now encompass tassels, pewter, sequins and studs to anything else that works.
  17. Black Swan – Natalie Portman’s adds to the ever-popular ballerina meme.
  18. Yama Girls – Trekking outfits include fleece miniskirts brightly colored leggings and style-conscious boots.
  19. Jersey Shore wear – Unsophisticated, tawdry, outrageous, And definitely not to be seen in polite company. But that’s precisely the point, isn’t it. 

Jersey Shore wear

Source: Global Language Monitor



An outrageous, ornate or over-the-top style inspired by Lady Gaga.

Source: Cramer-Krasselt


Haul Video

A short “look what I bought” video, often posted on YouTube, in which a young woman displays the fruits of a shopping expedition.

The term showed up on Yahoo! Answers sometime in 2008 and finally hit the mainstream in 2010 with articles in the New York Times and coverage on NPR. A blog, HaulVideos.net, aggregates some of the most popular haul videos. And nothing confirms a trend like a parody: HaulBlog (“Making the world more stupider, one video at a time”), was launched in March by three Southern California dudes who post videos about 3D glasses, razors, and Thanksgiving leftovers; a recurring feature is called “The Haul Monitor.”

Source: Fritinancy


Indebted slaves to fashion. Blend of Debt and Fashionista

“Are you a debtonista?” Miranda Smith asked in Emirates 24/7:

Do you feel a compulsion to buy the latest runway fashions? Are you a slave to the hottest trends and do you put all your purchases on plastic?

As a new round of fashion weeks begins, one British debt advisor has coined the term debtonista to describe people possibly like you, who need to stop being slaves to fashion debt.

Source: Schott's Vocab



Flyer than the rest, fresh with emphasis, cool, the ultimate swag.

Source: Urban Dictionary