
Redo-berty & thrisis

The “final push into adulthood” that takes place between the ages of 26 and 32.

Reviewing, for Cosmopolitan, Andrea Lavinthal and Jessica Rozler’s book, “Your So-Called Life: A Guide to Boys, Body Issues, and Other Big-Girl Dramas You Thought You Would Have Figured Out By Now,” Jessica Knoll commented on the authors’ use of the term “redo-berty”:

“Redo-berty,” also sometimes called a “thrisis,” usually occurs between the ages of 26 and 32, and is that final push into adulthood,” says Lavinthal. Redo-berty can feel just as awkward as your puberty years, except instead of being jealous that Sally Smith has boobs and you don’t, you’re freaked that Sally Smith has a big rock on her finger or an “Executive” something in her job title, while you’re stuck in a dead-end relationship and/or “career.”

Knoll also noted that the authors had identified some common types of adult including the SOY, “the Sudden-Onset Yuppie.”

Source: sfgate.com



Shoes with a forefoot platform equal in height to the heel, resulting in a high but flat (or nearly flat) walking surface. The word is cobbled together from “flat” and “platform.”

Source: Fritinancy